Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sebryna has learned that when she does something naughty, my response is usually "Noooo!". Now I know when she has been naughty without even looking at her because she says it herself, "Mommy, Nooooooooo!." ....only it's much cuter because she makes her voice very dramatic with a nasally sound. (Imagine someone yelling, "Hellooooooo in therrrrre" like they're calling into a cave). SO CUTE!!
Yes, cute, and no, the naughty thing she has done is not usually a big deal. Usually.
The other day, I was in the kitchen doing the dishes, and Sebryna runs into the kitchen to tell me "Nooooooooooo." I didn't think much of it, and walked into the living room.

This is just one small snapshot. The whole living room was affected. I was too embarrassed (for leaving my daughter unattended with a sippy cup full of milk) and angry (because it was clearly purposeful on her part) to take pictures of the other areas of the living room - the couch with milk dripped all over the leather, the rug with milk puddles that I kept stepping in, and the wood floor that showed splattered milk all too clearly.

Next Step: Time Out. As you can see, she was very sad about this part.
At our house, we call time outs, "Sit." She has to sit down all by herself (no toys, no kitties, no hugs) for what usually turns out to be a minute. At the end, she gets a big hug, but this picture depicts her sadness during Sit time.

1 comment:

Briana said...

I feel sad for her - but my goodness it is such a cute picture!